Talisman presents new data at ADPD 2023 in Sweden
Dr. Clare Jones, Talisman CSO, was in attendance at the 2023 ADPD symposium in Sweden to present exciting new data on our fully human iPSC-derived cortical neuron/microglia co-cultures, showing robust neuroinflammatory signalling and applications of the model for disease modelling and drug discovery.
In a second poster, Talisman showcased novel data from a long-standing collaboration with Gen2 Neuroscience, identifying disease-associated species of tau protein from AD patients, and a potential therapeutic mechanism to prevent uptake of these species, and subsequent disease progression, by human cortical neurons.
In addition, Talisman also contributed to a research poster presented by Acumen Pharmaceuticals, detailing cutting-edge work using human iPSC-derived cortical neurons to interrogate disease-associated amyloid β species as a potential therapeutic target for neurodegeneration.
All three posters presented at ADPD 2023 can be found in the media section of the website here.